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Sellise tehingu tegemisel on müüja kohustatud väljastama tehingut tõendava dokumendi (arve). IĮ SOUNDIUM on Leedus registreeritud ettevõte.
Kui olete Eestis käibemaksukohustuslasena registreeritud, saate meie poest tellida kaupa 0% käibemaksumääraga. Palume teha tellimisel vastavasse kasti linnukese ning sisestada vajalikud andmed - ettevõtte registrikood ning KMKR (käibemaksukohustuslasena registreerimise) number. Seejärel rakendatakse ostule 0% käibemaksumäär.
If you are into analog drum machines, make sure you do not miss Korg's Volca Beats.
Powerful sound of analog percussion coupled with an amazing 16-step sequencer is what gives you the possibility to create these smashing drum sequences. Six analog drum parts and four PCM drum parts ensure that you can edit everything the way you want, to infinity. And even though it is an analog drum machine, you will not have to worry losing those amazing sequences, since now you can store multiple patterns for easy recall. Volca Beats can be powered either by batteries or by optional AC power (adapter sold separately). Also, it can be controlled via any MIDI sequencer out there since it has a MIDI input, and if that is not enough, Sync I/O will ensure that you will be able to play in time with Monotribe and Monotron synths.
Six analog parts and four PCM parts
16-step sequencer
Easy to transport and integrate with other gear
Sync I/O ensures playing in time with other Volca machines or Monotribe/Monotron synths
Save up to eight patterns for future recall
Operates on batteries or power adapter (sold separately)