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Sellise tehingu tegemisel on müüja kohustatud väljastama tehingut tõendava dokumendi (arve). IĮ SOUNDIUM on Leedus registreeritud ettevõte.
Kui olete Eestis käibemaksukohustuslasena registreeritud, saate meie poest tellida kaupa 0% käibemaksumääraga. Palume teha tellimisel vastavasse kasti linnukese ning sisestada vajalikud andmed - ettevõtte registrikood ning KMKR (käibemaksukohustuslasena registreerimise) number. Seejärel rakendatakse ostule 0% käibemaksumäär.
The silver Monologue from Korg is a monophonic all-analog synthesizer with a fully programmable single-voice architecture and 100 fully editable presets, well suited for musicians and analog enthusiasts. Building upon the success of the Minilogue Polyphonic Synthesizer, Korg reworked the knob-per-function layout, voicing, and sound-sculpting abilities to create a distinctive-sounding instrument for all types of musicians and sound designers.
The synth offers two VCOs and a redesigned filter with a powerful low-end punch. A drive circuit has been added to apply aggressive overtones and distortion to the sound for huge bass sounds and sharp lead tones. The LFO rate can be adjusted into an unprecedentedly ultra-high-speed range to generate crazy space-shattering sounds, or it can be switched to one-shot mode to act as an additional envelope. The OLED display offers parameter information and features a real-time oscilloscope, providing eye-catching visual feedback on the sound being played. A 16-step sequencer not only records notes, but motion sequences of knob movements as well.
The Monologue has a set of factory tuning as well as 12 user slots for creating custom microtunings. Aphex Twin has come onboard as an advisor for the implementation and also to offer scales, sounds, and sequences as part of the factory presets. The enclosure is crafted from a curved aluminum panel, populated by chassis-mounted metal shaft pots with rubber-coated knobs, and a solid pyinkado-wood rear panel. Programming is a breeze with a single-knob-per-function architecture that satisfies seasoned synth professionals and beginner programmers. The Monologue ships with six AA batteries and can be powered by an optional 9 VDC power supply.